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 Demolition coming to Socom 4!!

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Vice Admiral
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Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Empty
PostSubject: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 23, 2011 3:27 pm

Well, I guess I could've just told Dirty harry while in-game (since he and I are the only 2 that play anymore) instead of posting on this forum in which no one posts on anyway but I heard from sources that Demolition is definitely coming via DLC in Classic mode. Fwiw.
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 5:48 am

Cigarman wrote:
Well, I guess I could've just told Dirty harry while in-game (since he and I are the only 2 that play anymore) instead of posting on this forum in which no one posts on anyway but I heard from sources that Demolition is definitely coming via DLC in Classic mode. Fwiw.

I forgot...You never stopped playing this game for one day, let alone weeks at a time... Rolling Eyes

Are people actually playing good enough to make the game fun again? It's hard to jump back in when the people I counted on aren't playing anymore so I get on an play whatever game when I can at different hours because of PT just like I told you. You both have recruiting powers so add a few people to the clan to get your own playtime going. It's pointless to have officers otherwise. No recruit will stick to playing S4 so you just have to keep rolling with new people until some of them stick.

I tried every single time I was on to get people to use this forum and never did and some discussions just go unnoticed with no real conversations at all so it's pointless to start new ones. I just check this nightly to see if anyone has any life in them and go on my way.

I was and still am serious about this clan, but it's hard to have fun with no one on, constantly losing, and not to mention, completely different schedules making it hard to play as is. You get on at my dinner time and then PT, and then get off by the time I'm ready to get on...What do you want me to do?
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 6:21 am

I was able to play at least an hour and a half when we all got on at 5:00. I'll try to see if anyone else will start playing but I wouldn't count on it which is why I tried to make this not only a SOCOM clan, but a gaming clan as well. A lot of people got fed up with S4 while I got fed up with losing nonstop with no one actually improving and trying to work together. I've all but given up on teamwork since I tried for months with no luck so it's pointless to even waste my breath.

The more we lose to easy opponents, the more I don't want to play unless our best guys are playing again. If people want a change in the clan, then they're going to have to start recruiting too instead of just a few people.
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 8:51 am

Demo is coming back!?
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 11:02 am

BDtheButcher wrote:
Demo is coming back!?

As far as the game mode, I guess so. Ciar seems to be privy to information that we are not. Im worried about Zpr using flashing diamonds though. It was mentioned on Socom.com. If Cigars right it will be around mid Sept. with the 1.05 patch (unless theres another delay which wount surprise anybody.)

FWIW Ive been playing alot more Uplink and am getting better. The mics are still a problem. Should be fixed with 1.05 (classic modes going to open mics.) Theres a patch list on Socom.com.
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2011 9:24 am

Demolitio wrote:
Cigarman wrote:
Well, I guess I could've just told Dirty harry while in-game (since he and I are the only 2 that play anymore) instead of posting on this forum in which no one posts on anyway but I heard from sources that Demolition is definitely coming via DLC in Classic mode. Fwiw.

I forgot...You never stopped playing this game for one day, let alone weeks at a time... Rolling Eyes

Are people actually playing good enough to make the game fun again? It's hard to jump back in when the people I counted on aren't playing anymore so I get on an play whatever game when I can at different hours because of PT just like I told you. You both have recruiting powers so add a few people to the clan to get your own playtime going. It's pointless to have officers otherwise. No recruit will stick to playing S4 so you just have to keep rolling with new people until some of them stick.

I tried every single time I was on to get people to use this forum and never did and some discussions just go unnoticed with no real conversations at all so it's pointless to start new ones. I just check this nightly to see if anyone has any life in them and go on my way.

I was and still am serious about this clan, but it's hard to have fun with no one on, constantly losing, and not to mention, completely different schedules making it hard to play as is. You get on at my dinner time and then PT, and then get off by the time I'm ready to get on...What do you want me to do?

Well, all I'll say is this: My personal S4 skills are getting pretty refined at this point. I'm able to rack up a pretty good amount of kills while rushing and I'm pretty much playing Uplink only at this point with some occasional Bomb squad games, suppression and the like. Harry can hold his own for sure and when he plays smart on objective modes, he's pretty damn good. Dobbles16 was really really playing well and then he kind of disappeared. Dunno if he's on vacation or what's up. Demo, if you want to find out, log on at 5:30 tonight and play a few games before my Eagles rip your lowly Browns to shreds. When Mike Vick comes to town, your Dog Pound trembles...

On a side note, the recruiting has been difficult. everytime I get someone, I don't see them even log into their PS3s for like weeks. Another weird thing; been seeing alot more level 2-30 guys playing Classic mode on S4 over the last few days. Not sure where this infusion of new players is coming from but it's a welcome sight for sure.

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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeThu Aug 25, 2011 6:12 pm

Well, that was a great time! I log on at 5:30, join chat after seeing Harry was playing and as usual, he's not in the chat so I just start up my game to join him and he gets off of S4 and plays GT5 instead. Then I play for 30 minutes realizing no one is on still so I get off instead of being sticking with the garbage teams even though I was 8-2 my first game back.

Proves my point pretty much. Why should I get on at that time if no one else is? I have my playtime and it's once again pointless to get on any earlier if no one is on. Apparently I even still have to tell people to join the clan chat when they're on as if it's not obvious enough already after asking 1000 times. Or to communicate, watch the objectives, play as a team, don't rush as a defender, etc. At some time, it gets to the point where it turns me off from the game if I have to do same old routine with everyone while some other key clanmates never play yet it's fine for them.

I'll get on once I KNOW people are on and playing and there's a decent amount of people on willing to play as a team and improve their game. There's a reason some other people stopped playing too, some it's the game, others it's the shit I'm talking about.

All I want is to be proven wrong about it and to have other people put into the clan as much as a few of us did. I wanted a community to play with yet they can't even be bothered to use the forum to discuss future games.
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 9:34 am

Yes, my bad. I got reminded of a cancer fund raiser that I had to attend right after work for my brother's girlfriend. So I wasn't able to log on til 7 of course. Yeah, I don't think this is going to work out. Kind of stuck between a rock a hard place and people who play at different times. lol We'll see what happens.
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 1:03 pm

Yeah. My game was doing some screwy stuff yesterday. For some reason I lost the voice over in game i.e. the voice that says," You just kicked there asses." Happened last night too. Also it seems like im starting games late & with no HUD. Ima clean it off when I get on today.

Even GT5 wont play anymore. Once I get past the epilepsy warning screen it just goes blank. I let it go for about ten minutes and nothing. This is bothering me something fierce!

I really hope demolition doesnt have beacons!
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 2:03 pm

harry, that's very odd. I get the lost hud deal almost daily but rarely lose voice overs. I'm done work at 5 today then I'm heading to the grocery store so I can get food and then I'm hunkering down and waiting for Irene to bitch-slap me. I should be on S4 around 5:45 tonight if anyone's up for it.
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeSat Aug 27, 2011 7:28 am

Hey guys sorry i haven't been on. I had to take a break form socom and video games in general. I'll be on more now. Sorry cigar if y'all need me txt me at 239-745-7698. Once again my apologies.
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 12:04 pm

Dobbs, you get on tonight around 5;30pm and all will be forgotten. Smile haha

I've had no one to pick on since your self-imposed exile Dobbs.... It's bummin me out!
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 8:09 pm

I finally landed a job! So on the nights I'm not at work, I'm usually playing catch-up with the kids. Once I find my "groove" again (it's been nearly 5 years since I last worked, lol) I'll be back to my gaming schedule.
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 2:13 am

I'll be getting on at 5:30 or so or whenever someone lets me know they're on but I'll probably only be on 'til 7:00 or 7:15 depending on what I make for dinner first. After that, I'll be checking PSN at like 10:30 but I know most of you never played that late when I used to get on at that time. Cigar mentioned he's been getting on later some nights so I'll meet up with him when he's on.

I'm going to be sending emails to all registered people on this forum and starting a roll call. I always said I wanted this to be a community and I understand if some people don't play S4, but it's lame that no one's on the forum or we aren't even playing other games together. This will be when I adjust the roster I guess since some have had no contact with any of us so it seems like they don't want to remain in the clan yet won't leave themselves.

I'll also be adjusting the officer slots and I'll promote anyone who's still playing right now so they can help recruit. I told Cigar today that I don't feel like working my ass off to recruit another 30 people just to have none of them stick so I want some help. Those who play should recruit if they're going to mention how no one's on.
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2011 4:49 am

When is this coming? I've seen nor heard any word of this.
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PostSubject: Re: Demolition coming to Socom 4!!   Demolition coming to Socom 4!! Icon_minitime

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