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 3 New Maps coming soon!!

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Vice Admiral
Vice Admiral

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3 New Maps coming soon!! Empty
PostSubject: 3 New Maps coming soon!!   3 New Maps coming soon!! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 9:41 am

Here are the details:

2011 Welcome Back to SOCOM 4–With Free Maps and Weapons!
+ Posted by Jeremy Dunham // Sr. Community Manager, Zipper Interactive

We’re very happy today to announce that SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs is now offering free maps and weapons to all PS Plus users! You might remember that we gave away the classic SOCOM map “Abandoned” and a couple of exclusive shotguns as an incentive to pre-order the game through GameStop. All PlayStation Plus users can now download “Abandoned” and the shotguns free for the next month! For those of you without Plus yet, don’t worry–your time will come shortly. Recall the blog announcement a couple weeks back announcing that, as a token of appreciation, the PlayStation Network will be giving all users 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership, coming soon. After a month of PlayStation Plus availability, “Abandoned” and the shotguns will continue to be available for SOCOM Pro members.

But that’s not all. When we announced SOCOM Pro shortly before SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs hit stores, we promised that we’d be delivering the oft-requested M16 and AK-47 shortly after release. We’re happy today to not only say that they’re almost here, but that they’re being packaged alongside a set of new competitive multiplayer maps!

Dubbed the SOCOM Pro Assault Pack, this bundle will be available as a free download exclusively to SOCOM Pro members and features three all-new competitive multiplayer maps: “Red Line”, “Double Cross” and “Driftwood”, as well as two fan-favorite weapons, the M16 and AK-47. The maps, inspired by missions from the single-player campaign, have been designed to feature tighter spaces with intense 8 vs. 8 matches in mind (not that 32-player skirmishes aren’t a blast on all three maps).

Assault Pack Maps:
“Red Line” – A monorail depot highlights this small and highly war-torn urban location.

“Double Cross” – A plane has crashed into a small mountain village, leaving wreckage and burning debris scattered throughout the area.

“Driftwood” – A small fishing village with a tight layout results in intense close-quarter battles.

Assault Pack Weapons:
M16 – This highly accurate Spec Ops weapon is great at range and, with a suppressor gained at Mod Level 2, can be used in stealthier situations as well.

AK-47 – This Insurgent weapon is difficult to control but inflicts a high amount of damage. It’s also capable of holding a large amount of ammo at Mod 5, making a very deadly option for aggressive players.

And last but certainly not least, don’t forget that our Double XP bonus promotion is currently underway and affects not only every game type but both your player level and weapon progression!

“Abandoned” and the pre-order shotguns are now available for free to all PlayStation Plus members while the SOCOM Pro Assault Pack will be available this month as a free download exclusively for SOCOM Pro members, so be sure to check back for more news in the coming weeks. SOCOM Pro comes free with new copies of SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs, and is also available for purchase on the PlayStation Store for $14.99.

Check out the pics on the PS Blog! Double Cross is going to be great, I'm calling it now...
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Posts : 154
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Join date : 2011-04-11

3 New Maps coming soon!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3 New Maps coming soon!!   3 New Maps coming soon!! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 4:24 pm

I can't fucking wait. These are some of my favorite areas from SP so I'm glad to see them being modified for SP, especially the crashed cargo plane area. So damn beautiful and some of the best fire effects I've seen in a game.

The M16 getting a suppressor is huge for me since I loved having that in the S3 beta and then they took the suppressor away. Sad It being mod 2 is a little weird though but I'll take it. The AK-47 sounds like it's going to be the weapon of choice for skilled gamers that know how to fire in bursts instead of full auto since it's hard to control. That will be a great gun if it's even slightly like the one from S:C.

Which reminds me...I miss some of the S:C weapons and how they handled. They had a decent recoil system. I like S4 too of course, but they're both so different from each other. S4 is the better game for sure though.
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