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 SOCOM 4 DLC Information

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PostSubject: SOCOM 4 DLC Information   SOCOM 4 DLC Information Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 8:23 pm


Those of you who have downloaded the 1.05 patch will likely have picked up on most (but not quite all) of the content that will make its way to SOCOM 4 in the form of DLC. Yes, Demolition and four new competitive maps (which includes returning classics Bitter Jungle and Ruins) will be making their way to the game in the near future. There are also new player skins and some new co-op content as well.

Other details about the DLC, including dates, pricing, screenshots or video, etc. will have to wait until we make the full official announcement. That announcement, which will closely be followed by its release, is still a few weeks away. The content is in final testing right now, and while we're still waiting on a release date on our end as well, I can tell you that you should be seeing it sometime in October.

Those are all of the details that I can give you for the time being, but now you know most of what's right around the corner.
Chris Roper
Community Manager, Zipper Interactive
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PostSubject: Re: SOCOM 4 DLC Information   SOCOM 4 DLC Information Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 8:25 pm

I'm pumped for this since I wanted Ruins for a long time now and Bitter Jungle could be awesome looking. I still want to play a game but still don't know when people are playing except for when I can't. Like I've said, if I KNOW when people are on, I'll try to get on. We have a section for it on this forum and I even mentioned using Facebook just to let me know. Otherwise, don't be mad if I don't get on when I'm really just on at different times.

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PostSubject: Re: SOCOM 4 DLC Information   SOCOM 4 DLC Information Icon_minitimeThu Sep 22, 2011 5:18 pm

Bitter Jungle and The Ruins only rooms might lure me for a bit only if they didn't over clutter the maps... but they probably did. Though HTK told me he personally loves them... we will see.
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: SOCOM 4 DLC Information   SOCOM 4 DLC Information Icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2011 9:18 am

Yeah, looking forward to this but they better get the DLC out before BF3 hits. I'm glad that Demolition is coming back, I hope they did it right. I think 1.05 was a good patch, especially since they toned down the grenade throwing distances and the changes to the spectator mode are also helpful.
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PostSubject: Re: SOCOM 4 DLC Information   SOCOM 4 DLC Information Icon_minitimeSat Sep 24, 2011 10:35 am

HTK told me the foliage on Bitter Jungle isn't a problem as it is on other maps which to me is a great thing.
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: SOCOM 4 DLC Information   SOCOM 4 DLC Information Icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2011 4:11 pm

Roper said today that the DLC will be out NEXT week for sure, the week of 10-17 til 10-21. I'm not sure when the PS Store updates these days I think Tuesdays or Thursdays so whichever day is when it releases. Btw, the 552 is coming in the DLC along with another AR the HS-3C, as well as a bunch of new skins (Specter, Jester andthe Butcher!), 4 maps and other shite.
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PostSubject: Re: SOCOM 4 DLC Information   SOCOM 4 DLC Information Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2011 11:38 pm

Hopefully I'll get my schedule back on track for the DLC launch. Right now my sleeping is so screwed up that I'm either only getting 3 hours of sleep or I'm falling asleep at 10AM and wake up at dinner. But then my two sleep disorders act like narcolepsy throughout the day where I fall asleep hundreds of times and don't even realize it. I actually enter the dreaming phase immediately when those happen and sometimes I even fall asleep with my eyes open just for a few seconds with a full dream and then I snap out of it and think that dream was reality since I didn't realize I was asleep.

So basically it causes me to be very unreliable since I never know when I'll fall asleep or even take a two hour nap in the evening if I'm tired enough from only getting 3 hours of sleep, lol. And of course the pain amplifies all of this so I have no control over any of it, whether it's sleeping or just in too much pain to play.

I figured I'd explain myself. I'm trying to get back on a solid sleeping schedule but each day I just fall asleep later even if I'm tired as hell since pain keeps your mind awake regardless of what you do. I'm on 5 different pills meant to help me sleep and then of course all the other medications but nothing is working yet so I might try a dangerous strategy and stick with the plan of falling asleep and waking up later and later all the way until I'm back to falling asleep in the evening, lmao.
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