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 Demo, what are your thoughts

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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Demo, what are your thoughts   Demo, what are your thoughts Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 11:42 am

Demo, what are your thoughts on the UC3 beta?? Is it any good? Dumb question I guess but how do you like it?
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PostSubject: Re: Demo, what are your thoughts   Demo, what are your thoughts Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 2:14 pm

I love it like I expected. A good change of pace from S4.
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PostSubject: Re: Demo, what are your thoughts   Demo, what are your thoughts Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 2:21 pm

If you really want a good change of pace from SOCOM 4, then play Operation Flashpoint: Red River. That game is the shit.
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PostSubject: Re: Demo, what are your thoughts   Demo, what are your thoughts Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 5:22 pm

ChippyChawa wrote:
If you really want a good change of pace from SOCOM 4, then play Operation Flashpoint: Red River. That game is shit.

Fixed it for you. As a longtime OFP fan, Red River is a disgrace. Dragon Rising was mostly a disgrace but had some cool gameplay, but then they took all the good shit out in Red River to make it more mainstream. OFP used to be a military simulation meaning it was as realistic as possible while being fun, but then the developer and the publisher split so the publisher kept the OFP name and made new games that were nothing like the original. I'm talking a HUGE change making S4 look like a clone of S2 in comparison.

The real OFP developers went on to make the Armed Assault series (ArmA 1 and 2 plus expansions) which kept the OFP gameplay but under a new name. Most people don't know about the series since it's PC only just like the original OFP because only the PC can handle some of the shit they do. Their game based on Afghanistan is the coolest fucking thing ever and they're currently working on ArmA 3 which might come to consoles in a dumbed down package, but they use these games as a base code for their military simulators that the U.S. uses.

End that rant. Red River has really bad review scores, but it's even more insulting to me. I actually liked Dragon Rising for what it was, but all that went out the window for a more mainstream game that tries to balance between casuals and the hardcore but ends up failing both. Hell, Dragon Rising actually looked better graphically than Red River on PC which is a joke.

I'm just mad that they took another one of my favorite series and butchered it, but luckily I have the real developers making good games on PC.
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PostSubject: Re: Demo, what are your thoughts   Demo, what are your thoughts Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 5:24 pm

Oh, and the coop story mode in Uncharted 3 was the coolest shit ever. Any game that has missions in Syria is a 10/10 in my book.

MP I also loved a lot and could kick ass in since I usually have 3:1 KDR or better. Any game I kick ass in means I love it by default...lol
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PostSubject: Re: Demo, what are your thoughts   Demo, what are your thoughts Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 8:42 pm

Dragon rising sucked. But Red River Is atleast a 100x better.
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PostSubject: Re: Demo, what are your thoughts   Demo, what are your thoughts Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 12:58 am

ChippyChawa wrote:
Dragon rising sucked. But Red River Is atleast a 100x better.

Both suck and Red River changed what little was good about Red Rising. Hell, even the reviewers liked Dragon Rising better but both games aren't OFP titles in my eyes.
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