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 Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11

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Vice Admiral
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Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Empty
PostSubject: Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11   Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 16, 2011 3:48 pm

Yup, here's the proof: http://community.us.playstation.com/message/36306943#36306943

And here's what it entails thus far:

This patch is still a work in progress, so not everything that will hopefully make it in when it's done is included here (and I'm not going to call out each of the minute bug fixes), but we wanted to give everyone some idea of the bigger things to expect from 1.05:

Party leader may now optionally allow other party members to invite other players into the party
Classic mode mic system changed to be open
Knife swipe exploit fixed (the knife no longer silences footsteps)
SMG accuracy reduced over distance - tuned for up-close battles rather than long-distance kills
Fixed Classic Bomb Squad double round win bug
Fixed grenade launcher bug where firing over cover or at long distances could kill you
Firing mechanic changes introduced in 1.04 have been rolled back (tapping to fire is now more accurate again)
Several level collision issues fixed
Games queues will be able to be adjusted much more easily and quickly (i.e. we'll be refreshing the queues right after launch)

There have also been lots of bug fixes to the party system, clan system, UI in general and between-round transitions (i.e. less crashes).

Also, a big item that's currently under investigation is the number of headshots in the game. We all know that there are too many, so the team is looking at how we might be able to counter that for the patch. It's not an issue with the size of the hitbox (that's been checked over and over), so it's not a simple fix, and any changes to the damage system in general could have adverse effects on other parts of the game if not handled carefully. So, as mentioned, that's a big TBD on if and how it would be changed, but it's certainly being looked at and will be dealt with if possible.

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Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11   Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 17, 2011 10:17 am

Damn Cig, I've been waiting for an update... And all along I could have asked you! Very Happy
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Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11   Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 11:21 pm

I cant believe theres no fix for the muzzle break yet. Does that make me unappreciative?
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Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11   Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 11:44 am

No, that just throws you into the group of aggravated players club. Pull up a seat, and don't forget the pastry at the concession table (on Friday's that is)!
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Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11   Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 8:27 pm

Oh great, open mics is just what I wanted. Why can't they just give us a fucking mic system like previous SOCOMs like we've been asking for. Remember when we were supposed to get an overhauled mic system for classic mode in like July? I guess that's magically scrapped...

Some of these things should have never been problems in the first place.
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Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11   Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 8:52 pm

I haven't even played the updated version yet. I had an interesting time trying to download it... And by time it was finished, I had no interest in playing it.

I started at 8 am... Power went out at 3/3 99%. Got myself back up to 2/3 and 87% and the PSN lost connection. By this time, it's roughly 4pm. Got myself up to 3/3 and maybe 10-15% and my cat knocked over my ps3 causing it to restart. After taking a break to help with kids' homework and dinner, I finally got it completely downloaded at 7pm.
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Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11   Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11 Icon_minitime

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Patch 1.05 hits Wednesday 9-21-11
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