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 Favorite weapons...

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PostSubject: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 11:39 pm

I figured I'd try my hand at making a thread, and possibly get to know how my clanmates handle themselves in the heat of battle. As the title states, what are your favorite weapon(s) in S4? Mine would have to be a sniper (.50 cal) and submachine for those who like knifing snipers. Although lately I've been carrying a sub with an assault as a back-up (no real need for sniping/call outs when it's not really wanted/needed).

So how about the rest of you? I gather that most play tactic rushing (which this game is built for blind rushing), so it'll probably be subs and AR's... But I'm still curious as to what everyone prefers as their weapon of choice.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeWed Sep 07, 2011 10:50 am

I feel like the dual primaries are required in s4. I use an AR (suppressed) for general purpose and smg (typical PDW or KP5) for shooting bushes.

If we had one primary Id be using a suppressed AR for sure. Is it me or do the guns sound funny in s4?
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeWed Sep 07, 2011 11:47 am

I've tried to use the silenced guns, but I just can't bring myself to mod them (I guess it's the starting over aspect). But I wish I had taken the time to mod all my guns instead of focusing all my time with a certain set up.

The guns definitely sound off. Not sure if maybe they're muffled out a bit to hear proximity sounds, or if they are all the same base gunfire, with the tone adjusted to make each gun sound "different". The M16 is about the only one with a noticeable variance (maybe the bursting just makes it sound different).
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeWed Sep 07, 2011 4:25 pm

I go with the KP5 & PDW-46 as my primaries. If you go into close quarters battles with anything but smgs, you're going to lose 80% of the time. And then as far as secondary weapons I have a few assault rifles modded up to lvl 5 like the HS-36 & IW-80. The IW is pretty sick. Now, I'm modding up some sniper rifles but imo you need to have some major smg game if you wanna rush and get any kills.

I'm also a fan of using concussion grenades. They don't detonate until they hit something so I can throw them up to about 140 yards. lol They can come in handy on von heine, port authority and especially rush hour.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 12:44 am

I use the cunc/nade duo. Not a fan of gas, flashbang always leaves me wondering which damn way I'm looking... And I don't have the patience to deploy a c4/claymore.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 6:26 am

Primaries: DK-2 or HS-36
Secondaries: M200 or SR-25 (MSR or SASR)
sometimes for rush playing KP-5 or PDW-46
trying another weapon, but always return back for this guns
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 6:33 am

M-16 and HK5 on SEALs
HS-36 and M-2000 on Insurgents
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 11:07 am

Wandererr wrote:
Primaries: DK-2 or HS-36
Secondaries: M200 or SR-25 (MSR or SASR)
sometimes for rush playing KP-5 or PDW-46
trying another weapon, but always return back for this guns

Besides the red diamond spidey-sense not appearing, are there any benefits to using a silenced instead of IW or Famas at full MOD, or does it fall into the 'whatever is your preference' category?

Demolitio wrote:
M-16 and HK5 on SEALs
HS-36 and M-2000 on Insurgents

I miss these labels... Crying or Very sad

Socom4 is about the only game I hate the M-16. It just feels like the timing between bursts is just too long. That may just be me, but something about it seems off.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 4:47 pm

I love not setting off anyones "Spidey sense." As for equipment on uplink I use the pmn and smoke. Smokes for uploading at our base. Even though the stupid diamonds blink the smoke will hide my head. I have won rounds with it. The pmn is great for setting on intel of the enemy. Its as epic as S4 can get.

On the other modes I usually use a pmn and concussions. I do like to save them for later in the round. With all my bitching about nade spam I couldnt very well do it myself. pig
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 5:38 pm

BDtheButcher wrote:

Socom4 is about the only game I hate the M-16. It just feels like the timing between bursts is just too long. That may just be me, but something about it seems off.

It does take longer between shots, but a single burst is so accurate and deadly that it doesn't come in to play too much and when it does, the guy usually has no clue where you're firing from with a suppressed M-16. The key for me is to use it at medium or long range and then switch to the HK-5 up close so I use the strengths of both weapons and be deadly at any range. Hell, sometimes the M-16 is good for rushing because the first burst is still on target when you're in the middle of running full speed.

The M-16 is my counter-sniper and it never fails me. You can pick off snipers with ease while their bolt action is slow to getting the next shot off. The M-16 is a headshot machine!
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2011 11:57 pm

I'll have to check out single. I tried bursting a couple times, and gave it up.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeFri Sep 09, 2011 11:17 pm

I have to admit, the M16 is great. The only reason its not my main AR is that I forget to switch sometimes and get caught in a CQC situation w/ my M16. My aiming skills require me to spray-n-pray w/ an AR in CQC. affraid
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2011 12:48 am

Dirty_Harry44 wrote:
My aiming skills require me to spray-n-pray w/ an AR in CQC.

Can't really put the blame on yourself in S4. Accuracy in this game is equivalent to having 1 arm tied behind your back while wearing skates... You either one-shot or you're hitting nothing at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitimeSun Sep 11, 2011 4:43 am

BDtheButcher wrote:

Besides the red diamond spidey-sense not appearing, are there any benefits to using a silenced instead of IW or Famas at full MOD, or does it fall into the 'whatever is your preference' category?

red diamond one of the most reason, second, for my opinion, DK and HS have a minimal bullet spray on long and mid range, enough mag capacity. If don't view on "red diamond", then IW and F4 little better, but good silencer much better.
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PostSubject: Re: Favorite weapons...   Favorite weapons... Icon_minitime

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