Warmongers Clan
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This is home to the Warmongers Clan. We're a PS3 clan mostly focusing on SOCOM 4.
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 Roll Call.

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PostSubject: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 2:25 am

I'm back from a little recovery time and I'm going to be sending emails to all registered people on this forum and starting a roll call. I always said I wanted this to be a community and I understand if some people don't play S4, but it's lame that no one's on the forum or we aren't even playing other games together. This will be when I adjust the roster I guess since some have had no contact with any of us so it seems like they don't want to remain in the clan. This is supposed to be a community and Cigar and I just don't see that right now.

All people who have been playing will be promoted and others will be demoted until they choose to return to the game. Those who don't respond to the roll call will be put on an MIA list and I'll start removing them from the clan if they don't respond within a certain period of time. Those still around have agreed on this so I'm going to go ahead and do it. We have too many people who don't play as a team, don't communicate, don't even join the damn clan chat when they're playing after I've asked 1000 times so people know who's playing S4 at the time. The people that are absent from the forum appear to not want to help build this community to talk about and prepare us for future games like BF3 so I'm not sure if they even want to remain in the clan which is where this roll call comes in. This way I can see who left the clan without officially leaving.

All members please respond to this post if you're still around and want to play games together and actually be a clan. Why have you been absent and if you're staying in the clan, what games do you plan on playing with your clanmates. Any big game discussion I tried to have on here to gather who's playing what have gone unnoticed with no discussion at all. Hell, very few of us would even play the Uncharted 3 beta together and no one wanted to talk about BF3 or even play the alpha on PC together so I'm not sure who plans on playing the BF3 beta on PS3 or PC, but now's the time to let me know. I couldn't even give away an alpha code for BF3 since no one checks here.

So please respond with your intentions and what games you plan on playing, what times you'll play, and if you can help out in leadership at all. I'm not recruiting 500 more people just to do the same thing over again once they quit.

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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 12:25 pm

Demo, I'm in. Obviously, I agree with Demo's post above. With upcoming DLC we need to build our ranks a little bit if we want to enjoy it. I'm full-time S4 until the BF3 beta comes out and then I'll be messing around with that a little bit. I'm pumped for BF3 and already have my beta spot reserved for my MoH purchase last year. So I'm clear: I'm primarily S4 until the release of BF3 and if that's as good as it looks, I'll be playing that for a while. I do want to get to lvl 100 in Socom though.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 2:00 pm

Hey guys! I'll be on of course. My schedule has opened a little with my wife working nights on Wed. - Sat. Once I get my kids down to bed I can be on around 8-8:30 p.m. Pacific. And my regular time between 1-4 p.m. Pacific.

As far as the clan goes most I have never seen on. Weve gotten a lot since I joined but most are never on. Maybe some get on when Im offline of course. Usually when Im playing another game & I see a clanmate get on I'll switch games. Usually its Cigar. I got to play late the other night with Chippy too. But thats it.

As for BF3 my PC isnt really set up for games. Its very basic and I cant really afford to upgrade it now (mostly since my wife bringing in most of the money) not that Id know what to do if I did have the money. Im pretty sure its just a sound & video card that would be needed. But thats why my gaming is done on the PS3. I plan on playing BF3 on the PS3. Im gonna rent BFBC2 to refamiliarize myself with the game.

Well, thats it for me. Hope to see you guys on today. Time to get lunch goin for the kids so I can get on on time.
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 2:29 pm

Cool harry. Oh, btw, I'll be doing BF3 on the PS3.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 30, 2011 6:23 pm

I will play the S4 DLC but then it will be BF3 after that.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 12:08 am

I'm here but I'm going through a lot of personal things. I spend a lot of my time on my laptop because I'm not home. I buried my grandfather, Father got put in jail, new lifestyle due to different job, etc.

Im getting BF3 of course but I'm also getting Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 9:10 am

I'm here every other day, if not daily. But instead of making posts, I just look for things to reply to.

As far as scheduling, I don't have a schedule. Nor can I really devote any set time to gaming. It's just when I can turn on the ps3. Between work speratically placing me on random shifts for the
time being, and trying to be a dad during the time I actually see my kids now... I only play after they've gone to bed.

Future gaming plans... Once BF3 is out, the only shooters I'll own will be Battlefield 1943, BF3, and socom: conf (not worth selling). (picking up Arkham City as well! Oh yeah!)
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 3:47 pm

Yea, I'm not asking for any devotion to play but I just wanted a general idea of when people got on so we could work out some matches maybe and recruit. Since everyone else is apparently done with S4, we need to rework some things and the people who play will be promoted. I need anyone who plays to recruit as hard as you can because I can't add another 30 people just for none of them to stick so I need help finding quality players.

BF3 is a game I'm getting on PC since a friend is helping me get it so he's going to expect me to play with him on PC which is alright with me since it has a lot more features but it's going to suck when all of you play on PS3. Maybe I can win a copy on PS3 since I'd have more people playing on there anyway.

All I'm asking is for us to remain a community at least instead of everyone disappearing when they quit S4 without anyone knowing. I tried to talk about other games and no one even responded and no one checks the forum. How are we supposed to be a fun clan when nobody talks and play other games together and some don't even join the clan chat even when they're playing S4.

Obviously some things need to change but I'm going to need help doing it. People who even liked SOCOM 4 have quit playing it and aren't even in touch so it's tough. Then people will magically come back a few weeks for the DLC and disappear without a word again.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 4:53 pm

I still play S4 whenever I can. Although I have stopped using a mic since mine doesn't filter background noise, and is usually an issue with people on my team (I usually have kids playing in the background).
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 5:28 pm

Alright. I'm usually one to get on once I hear others are playing. Cigar is supposed to message me when he gets on or use the playtime area on here to let everyone know when they're getting on. That way, we can be organized and do some wars.

I'm going to sneak and put a donation tab on here and then embezzle the money for BF3 and new games. Oh shit, never mind. I just told you my diabolical plans. Razz

Seriously though, would you help recruiting whenever you can? We need to replace some people to get some decent numbers online. Most of the players now are the ones that will be sticking with the game but they're also all in clans pretty much.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 5:39 pm

I have a couple buddies I can get to join almost immediately. As far as general populous, all I can say is I'll try. I've never had much luck at recruiting, and selling a clan tag I'm associated with after seeing my numbers in game will be even harder (ha ha).

Honestly, after they open party lists to allow everyone to invite, I think we may stand a chance since everyone can bring their friends in (hopefully converting them after an amount of time). So hopefully that'll be a small light in the distance!
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2011 5:52 pm

*EDITED AT 22:14*

I'll be back on Friday night or sometime Saturday.
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2011 11:33 am

Demo, if you didn't cut these fools who didn't respond to the roll call, please do so. They've had enough time to respond, imo. Thanks,
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 1:47 am

The AWOL ones that weren't integral to the clan in the beginning will be gone (next time I log on S4 if anyone wants to play) and the "founders" I guess you could call them will be stripped of officer and put on an inactive list where they can come back if there's more participation again and that's the last shot. I don't expect everyone to play S4 nonstop, but they should be a part of the forum and our community if they truly want to stay.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 7:54 am

I'm ok with that. But I'm not getting on S4 anytime soon. I had enough of its uniqueness to do for awhile. I will happily play another game with you guys. I'm kind of patiently awaiting B3 so I can get back into the swing of things.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 1:18 am

zodiac1788 wrote:
I'm ok with that. But I'm not getting on S4 anytime soon. I had enough of its uniqueness to do for awhile. I will happily play another game with you guys. I'm kind of patiently awaiting B3 so I can get back into the swing of things.

Are you playing the beta at all?
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeSun Oct 02, 2011 9:11 am

I downloaded it but I'm waiting for a day off.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2011 6:16 pm

I should be able to start playing again. I have just been really busy with all my classes. I should be able to play a few hours every couple of nights.

I do really hate that when I have time to play, that no one is on.
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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2011 1:10 pm

I am in the house!

Games I am playing:

Socom 4 - I cannot play until the weekends because I work out of town during the week.
Madden 12

Maybe playing:

Spec Ops: the line
Ghost Recon

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PostSubject: Re: Roll Call.   Roll Call. Icon_minitime

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