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 where the heck is everyone

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PostSubject: where the heck is everyone   where the heck is everyone Icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2011 9:12 pm

the first couple nights of the party system so many of us were on and now when i come on i see 2 or 3 ppl. just miss playing s4 with everyone. shout out to cigar for beasting in s4 lately Very Happy .
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PostSubject: Re: where the heck is everyone   where the heck is everyone Icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2011 9:49 pm

Have they fixed the random kicks? That's the part that keeping me from playing. I tried about a week ago, and it was still kicking... And that just left a bad taste in my mouth. The second they fix the random kicks, I'll be back on every second I have.
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PostSubject: Re: where the heck is everyone   where the heck is everyone Icon_minitimeMon Jul 25, 2011 3:57 am

I've said where I've been in the scheduled time section so there's no use messaging me on PS3 considering I'm not playing anything on there anyway...
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Vice Admiral
Vice Admiral

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PostSubject: Re: where the heck is everyone   where the heck is everyone Icon_minitimeMon Jul 25, 2011 11:48 am

I must say, I'm anxious for more people to play. Basically, it was me, Slack and dobbles16 for the weekend, that's it. I hope we have a better turnout this week.
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PostSubject: Re: where the heck is everyone   where the heck is everyone Icon_minitimeMon Jul 25, 2011 12:37 pm

I apologize for not being on much but to be honest I can't play this game until it gets patched again. Plus I have been really busy IRL so I should be on again hopefully soon.
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PostSubject: Re: where the heck is everyone   where the heck is everyone Icon_minitimeMon Jul 25, 2011 10:20 pm

I'm 8 hours from my ps3 and will be that way for the week. Ahhhh training. /sarcasm.
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Join date : 2011-05-27

where the heck is everyone Empty
PostSubject: Re: where the heck is everyone   where the heck is everyone Icon_minitimeTue Jul 26, 2011 3:55 pm

Im Here... kinda
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PostSubject: Re: where the heck is everyone   where the heck is everyone Icon_minitime

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