Warmongers Clan
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 Introduction. of dobbles16

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Posts : 37
Kudos : 1
Join date : 2011-06-01

Introduction. of dobbles16 Empty
PostSubject: Introduction. of dobbles16   Introduction. of dobbles16 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2011 9:25 am

Some of you'll kno me and some of you don't. i was recruited by cigar (where is he) i ve been in for a month or so. im a rusher/i die in the first minute of the round lol. Im from florida born and raised. the guns use is IW, mp5,Famas, kurtis and p90. Im more of a smg sort of guy. so hope to see you soon. Zodiac you suck. Smile
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Introduction. of dobbles16
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