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 Custom rooms for training

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PostSubject: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 10:20 am

Wouldnt it be a good idea next time we have 8 ppl on to create a room for designating callouts and such? Yesterday I was trying to figure out what to call that walkway that circles the boat on PA while I was shooting the bomb tech. Thoughts?

I also need to "find my place" meaning how my "skillset" could be used best. This can only happen w/ us on the same side and w/o randoms wreaking havoc. I know its fun to pwn pubbies but I think this would be beneficial to all of us.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 5:24 pm

We've been on the same side in real rooms and nothing was different so I'm not sure what splitting up the clan for a 4v4 would do. Second off, the custom rooms don't even work right now.

The best practice is to play real people. Learn on the fly as it's not that hard of a game. Just call shit out and tell people where you're going and we won't have 5 guys running right down the middle.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 10:43 pm

I agree with dirty. Iit wouldn't hurt to get us all in a room without the stresses of pubs to learn each others playstyles more intimately. The call outs could be done with top-down topical maps photoshopped with the call outs on them. But a prob room could do it just as well. As far I know, private rooms aren't broken. They are unranked and non mod xp and restricted to one map at a time, but they function.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 11:01 pm

zodiac1788 wrote:
I agree with dirty. Iit wouldn't hurt to get us all in a room without the stresses of pubs to learn each others playstyles more intimately. The call outs could be done with top-down topical maps photoshopped with the call outs on them. But a prob room could do it just as well. As far I know, private rooms aren't broken. They are unranked and non mod xp and restricted to one map at a time, but they function.

Well tell that to Roper who even admitted they aren't working. You can make a game but no one will be able to join you and your friends can't even see your room.

And playing against each other would do us no good. You need to see how others play these maps and how we work on THE SAME SIDE and not 4v4. Today we wanted to run from a room just because you guys lost a few maps? So how are we expected to win clan matches if we're afraid to challenge the same people and strive to be better without making excuses? I'm not trying to be mean, but do you expect us to beat organized clans if we're losing in pub room with WaR controlling the whole side? Private rooms aren't going to help us grow as a clan when we'd be on different teams with different skill levels as opposed to a full room where we own one side and get to work together.

It's a trial by fire and you're never going to improve if you aren't going face better people and learn from those matches. Most of the clan still barely talks at all, and the ones that did were the ones that kicked ass on VHE because we were communicating while the others were dead. You can have your practice rooms all you want, but that's not going to magically make people communicate if they can't do it with all of us on the same side anyway.

Hell, we ALL have our off games, but having us leave and then trying to get 7 of us back on the same side again would have taken all night. Why ruin a good thing? lol..
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PostSubject: Re: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitimeSun Jun 05, 2011 12:56 am

Both are good points. But, like in the OP, I didnt have enough time to say"Bomb tech is in the walkway that circles the boat in the front on thier side" while trying to fill him w/ lead.

IMO, callouts can make or break a round/game. I know they'll come w/ time. I guess we'll just have to put in hours. I didnt know the create a game was that broken. I just thought it was a little "screwy". Maybe since Zodiac & I play together quite a bit we should come up with callout names and run them by you guys when we can. Or Ill just start a list myself.

I didnt want to play 4v4 against each other. I just wanted to use proxy & text or WE to determine what specific callouts will be.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 10:01 am

Alright, we hardly communicate in Ranked rooms, i don`t see this changing in a custom room, as for learning someones playstyle follow them around the map. Most people tend to run the same path at the start of every map.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 10:11 am

Also, having two spawns makes it harder to see where everybody is going.

I got the email from the Socom blog yesterday which makes me think the patch will be tues.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitimeFri Jun 10, 2011 5:00 pm

True for everyone's input. i know i haven't been on much . I deeply apologize. i had trouble with my last clan about all this. i found pairing is the best way to go. like demo and grim work well together , they stick with each other at all times. we have everyone pair to see how this goes. we switch to find out who is better with the other player.
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PostSubject: Re: Custom rooms for training   Custom rooms for training Icon_minitime

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