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PostSubject: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 10:10 am

Alright, so last night we had a fair amount of us on one side, but not a whole lot of were calling enemies out. I think it would benefit everyone to gohere and read over the map descriptions so we're all on the same base when calling things out besides "hey there's a douchebag hid on the leftside" specifics are key. And in Bomb squad of all games its better to try and escort the Bomb Tech instead of play suppression, after all the whole round focuses on keeping him alive.

Thats just my two cents Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 1:53 pm

Agreed. Lots of good callouts on Von Heine Express I noticed. Hopefully we can get an overhead view of the other maps soon...
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 4:12 pm

This is why I keep saying we're not ready for clan matches yet. No one wants to talk or even move as a team. Some of us play pretty well while others might struggle from time to time, but that can be made up with great communication. Without that cooperation though, we'd need everyone to play exceptionally well which is what I keep saying. If you aren't going to talk, at least kick ass and make it up that way. Otherwise, fucking TALK!

Last night was a great example on Bomb Squad when NO ONE wanted to cover the bomb tech. I did every single damn round and Grim cooperated quite a bit on many of the maps by talking, calling shit out, and moving in pairs to get the objective. That's what SOCOM is all about! I shouldn't have to wait in spawn as the bomb tech just because the rest of the team wants to rush out and compete for kills while completely ignoring the objective and what gives us wins. Winning is always more important to me than kills which is why I could care less if I have a bad score if I'm doing what I'm supposed to.

So at least try to make an effort to work as a team instead of competing just for kills. If you're struggling, sit back at the objective and let the guys doing well try to give us some numbers. There's no point in thinking you can run out and take out a whole team if you're 2-7.

That's just my three cents in agreement with you Grim.
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 9:49 pm

It would be easier ifthe microphone system was more functional. When I want/need to make a call-out, I can't. Usually die after words or get him myself. A lot of the issues will clear up with the incoming patches and patience. Plus bomb technicians need to designate their route. Not everyone needs to gather around the bomb technician like an ole fashion Ho down. We need people to get high spots, campers frequent hiding spots, and/or clear out the foes at the bomb sites.
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeThu Jun 02, 2011 11:58 pm

zodiac1788 wrote:
It would be easier ifthe microphone system was more functional. When I want/need to make a call-out, I can't. Usually die after words or get him myself. A lot of the issues will clear up with the incoming patches and patience. Plus bomb technicians need to designate their route. Not everyone needs to gather around the bomb technician like an ole fashion Ho down. We need people to get high spots, campers frequent hiding spots, and/or clear out the foes at the bomb sites.

Blaming the mic system for a lack of teamwork is a stretch. It's still very easy to call shit out BEFORE you get in the fight so people know. And did anyone say EVERYONE has to be around the bomb tech? Last time I checked, it was me and Grim and that was it as the rest of the team plays Suppression which is funny considering they say they're sick of Suppression. I had NO ONE with me as the tech last night until Grim came back to cover me. So it's not like we're asking for 7 people with the tech but having no one to cover him shows how selfish some of the players are right now.

The weaker players should be the ones staying back to help bomb tech while the normally good players should try to get us some numbers but not by rushing their spawn just to kill 1 guy and call it a night. You really think we're going to win matches if we have no one covering the bomb tech while everyone rushes out to get kills since they care more about their KDR?

Everything Grim has said is what I've been saying for a week now. We're not ready for matches until people finally start realizing we're a TEAM and not just a group of guys to talk to when you're dead. Once we get that down, we might be able to win some matches that are EVEN and not just when we have more numbers.
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 2:27 pm

i agree with demo on this one but i also agree with zodiac that we need to make a plan so we know were we r supposed to go if we can coordinate even the worst of ppl can win matchs
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 3:02 pm

72ebel wrote:
i agree with demo on this one but i also agree with zodiac that we need to make a plan so we know were we r supposed to go if we can coordinate even the worst of ppl can win matchs

How can you have a plan if the objective moves? It's all common sense. I've always said go in pairs and JUST TELL YOUR TEAMMATES WHERE THE HELL YOU'RE GOING. It's not hard to figure out where you need to go based on where others are going. That's why I call out where I'm going every single round and if everyone else did the same, that'd be a fucking plan. This isn't a game where you just stick to one plan and do it every time on the same map nor do I think it's needed. It's just common sense and communicating to figure out where you need to go and to have a buddy go with you.

If you're struggling in a match, you should be holding back more. Right now we have the whole team trying to rush and race to get some kills but end up failing and then get pissed. The whole team isn't supposed to rush, especially on defense or when we need to cover a bomb tech. I love rushing and I end up doing well most of the time but I have to stay back because everyone else is rushing leaving just a few of us to defend multiple points against numerous enemies.

And when I do tell people what to do or that I need help, most of the time it goes unnoticed so why should I expect a plan to be any different? Communication is our downfall. This is why I like going on the same side as Grim because I know he calls shit out and has my back and I have his back. We call everything out and coordinate our attacks as to when we're going in the building, etc. Hell, he even said he loved having me on his team because he knew he always had cover as the tech. We saved each other a lot by just cooperating.

You guys can coordinate in coop but somehow can't do it in MP?
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 10:30 am


Oops, I just started a new thread on this on the other forum. Oh well. Shoot me. cheers "HERE I AM!"

I think we need to make an unranked room for this. We would need to have at least eight ppl on though. Right now it would be more fun bc we could be on the same team. Just my $.01.

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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 12:24 pm

i know we coridnate well in coop but idk what to tell u demo i think we need a lot of practice as a team regardless before w e war other wise its gonna be a disater once we get a party system up i think things will be much easier 4 us
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 5:26 pm

72ebel wrote:
i know we coridnate well in coop but idk what to tell u demo i think we need a lot of practice as a team regardless before w e war other wise its gonna be a disater once we get a party system up i think things will be much easier 4 us

Then why must people ask me to war every night? We've had a full team filled with WaR and nothing was different so there's not anything I can do to force people to work together. Either they want to win or they want to be selfish and go for kills and still fail at even doing that. Their choice.

The mic system is bad but it's still very easy to call shit out, tell people where you're going, ask someone to come with you, etc. It's just a question of whether these people want to man up and listen and work as a team or not. The solo attitude has to go and we need to focus on winning.
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitimeTue Jun 07, 2011 4:52 pm

i agree with u on that there are a few of us who work very well togther i think over time we will get better but 4 now guys the game just came out i think we all need to get use to the maps nd working togther before we war
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical......ness   Tactical......ness Icon_minitime

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