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 Holy shit at this DLC

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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 5:09 am

Now that's what I call DLC. I played for three hours tonight even when only two maps kept coming up but it was the most fun I've had with the game in a long time. The skins are a nice gesture for their vets by including some of the crazy cool ones from previous SOCOM's, the two weapons are good for certain playstyles (not 100% sold on 552 but it's decent) and the maps are fucking fantastic. Even the urban one with the two towers is awesome because you can flank them from underneath and wreak havoc.

The best part is of course, DEMOLITION! This plays like older SOCOM's which took me back to a lot of fun moments on Bitter Jungle.

My main problem is the few clanmates who told me they aren't getting the DLC and they don't even participate on the forum? What am I supposed to do then? Keep them just in case they need buddies in future games or release them now since they have no interest anyway? The random no-show people I have no problems kicking, but the old members who were with us in the beginning and supposedly dedicated to us have me a little more torn. I'm tired of of having very few on to play with which is the main reason I haven't played in the past. But now, I don't give a fuck who's on because I want to enjoy this game again without worrying about being voted out or having clanmates always wanting to war who can't even communicate anyway.

I'll just play with my buddy's clan if I have to and hopefully what little of you still play if I know when to get on. But we all have schedules and when we can play, so I'm not sure what to do if whoever is left play at different times.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 6:37 am

I used my S4 as credit toward batman and bf3... So if you want to remove me from the group, I completely understand (this is a S4 clan). It not, I'll see everyone on bf!
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Vice Admiral
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 8:58 am

Well, demo, I'm glad you liked it. I had to go to bed at 1am so I couldn't play last night but played a few games this a.m. They did a great job and I was loving demolition before I had to come to work this morning.

As far as the clan, I say boot whoever isn't coming back or isn't getting DLC. To be honest, I think I'm leaving the clan since no one plays. it just didn't work out. I'm sick of being a loner out there. Like I said, it's basically only myself and Dirty harry that has been playing in the past month or so. nuordr is getting the DLC but I think he's a respawn fan. Other than that, I don't think anyone's getting the DLC besides WarmachineV1 and he hasn't been playing but MAYBE this DLC will keep him around til BF3. Zodiac isn't on anymore, no killter, no dobbles, no nothing. I don't know, let me know what you want to do. Obviously demo, I would want to play alot of S4 with you, especially your namesake's mode. Smile
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 11:25 am

I love the new skins that they put in the game. I only played one of the new maps last night, bet even then, it was a bad ass night. I am so happy to see demo as a game mode again. I just can't wait for them to bring back escort an extraction, then foxhunt. That is by far one of the most iconic socom 2 maps. All you little bitchs need to get this dlc.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeWed Oct 19, 2011 9:33 pm

Cigarman wrote:
Well, demo, I'm glad you liked it. I had to go to bed at 1am so I couldn't play last night but played a few games this a.m. They did a great job and I was loving demolition before I had to come to work this morning.

As far as the clan, I say boot whoever isn't coming back or isn't getting DLC. To be honest, I think I'm leaving the clan since no one plays. it just didn't work out. I'm sick of being a loner out there. Like I said, it's basically only myself and Dirty harry that has been playing in the past month or so. nuordr is getting the DLC but I think he's a respawn fan. Other than that, I don't think anyone's getting the DLC besides WarmachineV1 and he hasn't been playing but MAYBE this DLC will keep him around til BF3. Zodiac isn't on anymore, no killter, no dobbles, no nothing. I don't know, let me know what you want to do. Obviously demo, I would want to play alot of S4 with you, especially your namesake's mode. Smile
Yea, I only see two real options if we don't have any numbers and can't recruit. I'd like to try and keep it going, but we could give a pass for us to play with different clans but still remain a part of this "community" if you can call it that, or people can leave altogether if they have to because people should be having fun with this game and a clan is all about that. I'd like to try and keep it going for a few weeks and then we can decide Cigar. I've been playing with a buddy's clan at night and having a blast and it's the way this game should be played.

Anyone who quit this game and still wants to remain part of the community is more than welcome to if they want BF3 or MW3 partners, but most of them don't even come on here anymore so those guys clearly quit without telling us. Hell, we don't even get warnings about people not owning the game anymore apparently. I'm getting BF3 on PC and can't afford MW3 so it's not like I'm going to play those games with clanmates, but even now, we have "clanmates" who play MP games without even talking to others or playing with them so I'm going to assume they quit and joined a new clan.

If these guys wanted to be a part of the clan, they wouldn't just disappear for months on end playing other games without even talking to others. I waited long enough on the roll call too so since you agree Cigar, I'll start cleaning it up a bit. I don't know what other games you plan on getting Cigar so S4 seems to be our only chance right now. BF3 is VASTLY improved from the beta as journalists have said so maybe you can get some clanmates to play that with. Otherwise, I wish I could get MW3 if you're getting that.

I don't know man, you can say I don't play but I have and will but I'm curious to see if the people that were supposedly waiting for the DLC will be coming back or not. I doubt it...
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2011 5:02 am

Well Dirty Harry's status on PSN was something like "10 bucks for S4 DLC. meh" so I guess he's not getting it as well.

But Chippy and I had a good time playing tonight so it was more fun than usual.
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Vice Admiral
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2011 10:05 am

Demo, here's another wrench in your spokes. Last night I'm playing demo on rush Hour and a dude from a clan with a tag {(H)} or something like that asked me; "hey, is your clan leader named Demolitiolo or something?" so I said yes, and then he said that he was talking to you about a possible merger of clans. I 110% support this idea. They had 6 dudes on last night at least. They weren't getting many kills but we were up agaisnt some level 80s, 100s and we won due to communication and playing smart. This is an avenue I wouldn't mind exploring.

Harry asked me if i was getting it and seemed dumbfounded that I got it. lol he'll get it, dollars to doughnnuts, he'll get it eventually. I played for a few hours last night with B3ANTOWN and MG5786, who obviously picked up the DLC. Oh and Wargod (from Lazytime's clan) is trying to hook up with us to play since SoS died out. He was pretty darn good in Conf and he bought DLC too. Oh and dobbles signed on, but didn't feel like shelling out the $10 for DLC, lol so I dont know if he's getting it or not, 10 secs after I told him it was 9.99, he signed off of PSN. lol

Honestly, I've been having such a good time w S4's demo mode and maps that my BF3 purchase may be delayed. They just need to knock the round times back to 5 minutes and we'll be good to go.

Demo, I know you're going through some major shit again and your play times are goofy (from my point of view) but I'm typically on at 8pm til midnight. Sometimes I pop on at 5 and play til 7 and then hop back on at 9:30 for a few games. I'll be on tonight if you can make it, we can hash some of this stuff out. Notice I used the word "hash". lol
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2011 4:53 pm

Cigarman wrote:
Demo, here's another wrench in your spokes. Last night I'm playing demo on rush Hour and a dude from a clan with a tag {(H)} or something like that asked me; "hey, is your clan leader named Demolitiolo or something?" so I said yes, and then he said that he was talking to you about a possible merger of clans. I 110% support this idea. They had 6 dudes on last night at least. They weren't getting many kills but we were up agaisnt some level 80s, 100s and we won due to communication and playing smart. This is an avenue I wouldn't mind exploring.

Harry asked me if i was getting it and seemed dumbfounded that I got it. lol he'll get it, dollars to doughnnuts, he'll get it eventually. I played for a few hours last night with B3ANTOWN and MG5786, who obviously picked up the DLC. Oh and Wargod (from Lazytime's clan) is trying to hook up with us to play since SoS died out. He was pretty darn good in Conf and he bought DLC too. Oh and dobbles signed on, but didn't feel like shelling out the $10 for DLC, lol so I dont know if he's getting it or not, 10 secs after I told him it was 9.99, he signed off of PSN. lol

Honestly, I've been having such a good time w S4's demo mode and maps that my BF3 purchase may be delayed. They just need to knock the round times back to 5 minutes and we'll be good to go.

Demo, I know you're going through some major shit again and your play times are goofy (from my point of view) but I'm typically on at 8pm til midnight. Sometimes I pop on at 5 and play til 7 and then hop back on at 9:30 for a few games. I'll be on tonight if you can make it, we can hash some of this stuff out. Notice I used the word "hash". lol

Holy shit, you randomly ran into those guys? lmao. I've played with Hitman from the (H) clan since launch and we used to run rooms at night so I joined him the first night of the DLC and his clan brought it up and I said I'd have to talk to you and see about a few things first, but they all were extremely nice and fun to play with and they war a lot. Hitman usually gets a shitload of kills but their clan focuses on wins over anything else and I love it.

I hope to get on here in a 30 minutes or so.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeThu Oct 20, 2011 8:18 pm

I played the other night a little before bed... I am only impressed with Bitter Jungle. There is something wrong with The Ruins. Bitter Jungle is pretty good though.
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Vice Admiral
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 10:10 am

Yeah, my night got all screwed up last night. Logged on at 11:30 but fell asleep at midnight. wednesdays and Thursdays suck for me. Can't wait til tonight so I can play demo for a few hours.

Warmachine, Bitter jungle is awesome. As far as the Ruins, the middle section of the map is clunky but other than that I love the map. Good times on it the other night anyway. overflow is pretty tight imo.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 7:36 pm

Cigarman wrote:
Yeah, my night got all screwed up last night. Logged on at 11:30 but fell asleep at midnight. wednesdays and Thursdays suck for me. Can't wait til tonight so I can play demo for a few hours.

Warmachine, Bitter jungle is awesome. As far as the Ruins, the middle section of the map is clunky but other than that I love the map. Good times on it the other night anyway. overflow is pretty tight imo.

Agreed... just played with MG and Beantown... had fun.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 11:13 pm

Will we be continuing this group over to BF3, or will you guys be hold strictly to S4? If it's going strictly with S4, then I'll leave the boards (although I would like to remain friends with everyone... I've had fun playing with you guys). If we're maintaining a multi-game clan, I'll happily stick around.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 7:55 am

We've always said we were a multi-game clan with S4 as our focus, but how exactly does that work out when no one uses the forum or plays anything else together? Hell, the communication is so lacking that we don't even know who has S4 anymore when that's what the clan's emphasis was on.

You guys can try and play BF3 together but after a month of that, I'm sure most of them will move on to another game again. I'm not sure who here is getting BF3 on PS3, but of course anyone can play with anyone on that game since clans aren't exactly needed in that game. I'll be playing it on PC with friends for a long time to come just like we did with BF:BC2 on both PS3 and PC.

The forum was for us to discuss other games and that turned out to flop too. No one is getting kicked off the forum, but it's pointless to have this long list of members on the clan list in SOCOM. I think I'll go ahead with joining the Hitman clan or one other clan instead once Cigar and Chippy are down.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 7:05 pm

Dirty told me this morning that he is getting the pack tonight. So you all will have him to play with tonight while I am out getting drunk.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2011 6:46 pm

I still feel burned by S4. But I understand if I am to be removed. I know what its like to try to play with no one on. But life is piling up on me. New job, school, and moving in is about more than my plate can handle.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeSun Oct 23, 2011 6:59 pm

I'll most likely get it, but it might be awhile I just got home after six months and need to look for a job.
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 11:50 am

Demolitio wrote:
We've always said we were a multi-game clan with S4 as our focus, but how exactly does that work out when no one uses the forum or plays anything else together? Hell, the communication is so lacking that we don't even know who has S4 anymore when that's what the clan's emphasis was on.

You guys can try and play BF3 together but after a month of that, I'm sure most of them will move on to another game again. I'm not sure who here is getting BF3 on PS3, but of course anyone can play with anyone on that game since clans aren't exactly needed in that game. I'll be playing it on PC with friends for a long time to come just like we did with BF:BC2 on both PS3 and PC.

The forum was for us to discuss other games and that turned out to flop too. No one is getting kicked off the forum, but it's pointless to have this long list of members on the clan list in SOCOM. I think I'll go ahead with joining the Hitman clan or one other clan instead once Cigar and Chippy are down.

I'm down with joining Hitman's clan. Absolutely. That'll give us more people to run with instantly. I'll let Harry know what's in the works. Demo, are you getting BF3 for the PS3 right away? Cuz I'm going to play alot of S4 demo before I pick up BF3 I think. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 5:35 pm

I'm getting BF3 on PC and keeping S4 in my PS3. I'm thinking we'll leave this forum up and the clan AS A WHOLE so it exists for other games but moving on for S4. But it's been really nice playing with Chippy so he better follow. If he and any other remaining clanmates want to follow, then let's do it.

And if anyone else actually interested in playing wants to come out of nowhere and tell us to stop, then this is the last chance.
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PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 8:59 pm

Who's getting bf3 for ps3 besides me? Will there be anyone to join up with?
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PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 2:17 am

BDtheButcher wrote:
Who's getting bf3 for ps3 besides me? Will there be anyone to join up with?

That's where the problem lies. As someone who uses this forum and wants to stay a part of the clan and community beyond SOCOM 4, you're not who I've been talking about. It's the people who joined the clan in the beginning and acted all excited and then disappear without a word but play other games on PSN with no contact with others. So yes, there's going to be a decent amount of people technically from the clan that will have BF3, but you'd never know by checking just the forum since they're never around so it's hard to say for sure yet I know plenty of people who said they were going to.

So that's who I'm talking about when I mention the people who have no contact with the clan and show no interest in staying. Now if they actually used the forum, you would see there's quite a few people getting it. I could send out an email if you like for people to meet up if they want to be part of a BF3 platoon, but in the end, it's all about just playing with friends in a squad so a clan isn't 100% needed as long as you have people to play with. That's why I refer to the clan as a community too, but I need help in doing that.

If you find anyone you like when playing BF3, tell them to register here and help me not let this forum and hard work go to waste. I think we can actually be in the same platoon on different platforms so we can wear the tag and just can't play together. If not, you can make a platoon on PS3 and invite people to that but make sure to try and get them to register here.

As for the PS3, S4 is going to be my game on there for quite a while.

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Holy shit at this DLC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Holy shit at this DLC   Holy shit at this DLC Icon_minitimeTue Oct 25, 2011 7:38 am

If we can join the same grouP on battle logs, throw me an invite when you get their up if we can cross platform.
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