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 Sony hacked... Again!

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Age : 38
Location : West Virginia

Sony hacked... Again! Empty
PostSubject: Sony hacked... Again!   Sony hacked... Again! Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2011 8:48 am

Via a twitter feed (I can't copy the link, I'm on my phone. But you can look up @gamenewsps3 to see the article) Sony has announced it was hacked again. 93,000 users are included in this attack. It ranges from PSN, SOE, and SEN. No credit card information was jeapordized. Hhowever, if you had any credit card info saved to the store - Sony warned to watch your bank statements as a large amount of store purchases were made by several customers during that timeframe.
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Sony hacked... Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sony hacked... Again!   Sony hacked... Again! Icon_minitimeWed Oct 12, 2011 11:32 pm

The fucking FBI needs to make this a higher priority than it is right now since this is costing millions, especially the poor developers that had games come out before, during, and right after the first PSN outage where their games suffered in sales due to this shit.

These agencies arrested a few of the clowns but there's always more to replace them and they hide in groups of amateur kid hackers so they're hard to find in the big mass of little kids thinking they're hacking geniuses and are doing something legal. A few big hacking groups have done this for months now and even took my EA info and took out my fucking Xbox Live account and stole other people's funds and used my account as the scapegoat. So the hardcore criminals make money and make the kids who only know how to do DDOS attacks pay the price.

More raids need to be made. The internet is pretty much the wild west of criminal activity since everyone is anonymous.
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Sony hacked... Again!
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