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 Battlefield 3 Beta

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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Battlefield 3 Beta   Battlefield 3 Beta Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 2:23 pm

I'm DL'ing the beta today. remember, if you purchased MoH you get into the BF3 beta early access which began yesterday. So download it! What are you waiting for???!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Battlefield 3 Beta   Battlefield 3 Beta Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 5:04 pm

Meh, no one wanted to talk about the game the last time. The beta is good but the surprise will be even better once they unlock it.

They had a few private servers up with Caspian Border as the map which is hidden in the beta and it's a full vehicle map with 64 players on PC on Conquest mode. The jets are fucking unreal and fun as hell, but the engineers can get anti-air launchers now so it's a lot of dodging.
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PostSubject: Re: Battlefield 3 Beta   Battlefield 3 Beta Icon_minitimeWed Sep 28, 2011 5:43 pm

I can't wait till it's out! Plus, BF3 releases on my B-Day... So that makes it even better! cheers
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Battlefield 3 Beta   Battlefield 3 Beta Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2011 11:31 am

Demo, get this for the PC. I played the beta a few times and I'm not into it but I hear the PC version is amazing. I may actually cancel my pre-order, especially since S4 DLC will be dropping all fall/winter. So, if you're trying to decide between PC and PS3, go with the PC version, but you probably know all of this already. lol
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PostSubject: Re: Battlefield 3 Beta   Battlefield 3 Beta Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 1:50 am

I know it already. The PC version is unbelievable and the low settings on PC rival the consoles', but keep in mind that all the graphics in the console versions aren't in yet according to them and that includes MLAA which will help a lot. On PC, it looks unreal and the settings aren't even complete yet so I can't imagine what Ultra will look like even though I couldn't run it.

I figured no one would really be into it so I stuck with PC the whole time. It's the return of the PC series afterall since BC1 and BC2 were console games so this is more like BF2.

By the way, the conquest versions are amazing. We played Caspian with 64 players and full vehicles and it was crazy. The jets are a lot of fun to fly and I was kicking ass in dogfights. They chose a poor map for the beta to be honest since BF should show the vehicular mayhem more than anything else.
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PostSubject: Re: Battlefield 3 Beta   Battlefield 3 Beta Icon_minitimeThu Oct 13, 2011 12:11 am


And THAT is why I kept telling people not to write it off due to the beta. Everyone argued that it was so close to release yet the build was at least a month and a half old at the time and the major optimizations are done at the very end. So if you like BF games, I don't see why you can't wait for reviews and decide if you're getting it or not by watching videos and seeing how it plays out.

So you already have high resolution textures that are in release that were absent in the beta, all the major gamebreaking bugs are fixed of course, vehicle maps are still the focus (Caspian was a fucking blast to play by the way) and everything feels better and this isn't the first major preview to say how much better it is than the beta.

Don't write it off based on some assumptions from the beta as the vocal people suggest. Half the reason people hated the game was just from all the others bitching so that negativity caught on similar to how LMB was...lol. The beta has problems, but if you liked the gameplay then give it a chance.

And if you didn't like the gameplay, well then it's an easy decision for you. I just don't like how people write games off due to bugs in a beta.
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Vice Admiral
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PostSubject: Re: Battlefield 3 Beta   Battlefield 3 Beta Icon_minitimeThu Oct 13, 2011 2:02 pm

I'll probably give BF3 a chance, I didn't cancel my pre-order or anything so I'll pick it up perhaps. Depends on how demolition is on S4 to be perfectly honest. I like the changes that 1.05 brought to S4 and if demo's good I may not even get BF3 for a while. We'll see.
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PostSubject: Re: Battlefield 3 Beta   Battlefield 3 Beta Icon_minitime

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